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Main Phone Number:

Tonja Armstrong-MacInnis,
Humber Child Development Centre
416.675.6622 ext. 4062

Simranjit Thandi
Humber Child Development Centre

Caring for Children, Educating Students

lady playing with children

Watch the video to learn more about the Child Development Centre

Humber operates a high-quality, non-profit, community-based child care centre for infants to pre-school aged children. The child care program is participating in the Canada Wide Early Learning & Child Care (CWELCC) System and receives funding through a purchase of service with the City of Toronto to provide year-round care to 98 children and their families in a fully inclusive and respectful environment. The Centre is licensed through the Ministry of Education and is a collaborative learning space for students in Humber's Early Childhood Education and Inclusive Resource Practice - Child and Family programs. Our staff consists of a Director, an Administrative Assistant, Registered Early Childhood Educators, Resource Consultants and a Cook with a menu-planning team to ensure our children receive responsive care and healthy development.


205 Humber College Blvd.
Toronto, ON  M9W 5L7

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