Career Development Sessions
Career Development Workshops are available and being delivered virtually.
Mastering the Art of the Interview
Learn how to effectively prepare for a job interview including how to answer difficult interview questions. You will gain a good understanding of how to create first impression including dress code, body language and building rapport with the interviewers . You will be able to understand how to answer the most commonly asked interview questions, difficult interview questions, and behavioral interview questions.
March 27, 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM Join Workshop
April 29, 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM Join Workshop
Rapid Resume Review
Is your resume working for you? Get expert advice by Career Development Professionals. Join us for FREE! No appointment necessary! You will be able to get a quick feedback on your content and layout, learn the dos and don'ts - what to include and what not to include, receive relevant occupational information and a sample resume.
April 9, 5 PM - 7 PM stay tuned for the link
Getting Yourself LinkedIn
Get exposed to one of the largest leading professional networking social media site, LinkedIn! Learn how to build a professional profile and expand your network by connecting with professionals in your industry. You will also learn how to showcase your career accomplishments and industry related projects.
Rapid LinkedIn Review
Is your LinkedIn Profile attracting Companies you are interested in Networking with? Get expert advice by Career Development Professionals. Join us for FREE! No appointment necessary! You will be able to get quick feedback on your profile. Learn the dos and don'ts - what to include and what not to include and receive relevant occupational information.
A Job Seeker's Guide to ChatGPT
Join our workshop to learn how Chatgpt can revolutionize your career journey, from crafting standout resumes and cover letters to mastering interviews and networking effectively.
Empowered by AI - Boost Your Employability
This workshop is designed to share innovative strategies to leverage AI and enhancing your employability. As part of this, we will emphasize where human input and oversight is recommended throughout the various stages of AI use.
Writing Effective Resumes & Cover Letters
By attending this session, you will learn how to customize your resume and cover letter based on your skills, experience and industry demands. You will be able to choose a resume style that will draw the employers' attention and allows you to showcase your achievements. You will learn how to create a cover letter that is personalized and addresses the needs of employers. You will learn how to view your own experience and contributions in a way that will allow you to build an accomplishments-based resume, not just a list of your employment experience.
Job Search Strategies
By attending this session, you will be able to expand your job search knowledge by learning new techniques and comparing various job search strategies including the traditional and non-traditional job search methods. Your will learn how to tap into the hidden job market and be successful in your job search.