Producing Accessible
Audio & Video

illustration of gears in motion

Knowledge Check

Select the answer from the options for each question. More than one answer may apply. Correct answers will appear with a checkmark and incorrect answers will appear with an X.

1. Why do people transcribe their audio content?

question-1-answer-a: To make audio content like radio shows and podcasts accessible for persons who are d/Deaf or hard of hearing.

question-1-answer-b: To provide written versions of audio content online for people to read without having to listen to the radio or podcast episode.

question-1-answer-c: To translate audio content into word documents so that it can then be incorporated into written content as quotes and video content as captions.

question-1-answer-d: All of the above.

Please pause the text to speech reader to answer the question. What follows next will be the answer.

Question 1 Right answer: D. All of the above.

2. How can people create transcripts out of audio content? (Check all that apply)

question-2-answer-a: Manually transcribing the content.

question-2-answer-b: Using transcription software to transcribe the content.

question-2-answer-c: Drawing the content in Illustrator.

Please pause the text to speech reader to answer the question. What follows next will be the answer.

Question 2 Right answer: A. Manually transcribing the content, B. Using transcription software to transcribe the content, and D. Hiring a transcription service.

3. Who do captions benefit? (Check all that apply)

question-3-answer-a: People who are D/deaf or hard of hearing.

question-3-answer-b: New and early readers

question-3-answer-c: People in loud public places

question-3-answer-d: People learning a new language

question-3-answer-e: People with low vision

Please pause the text to speech reader to answer the question. What follows next will be the answer.

Question 1 Right answer: A. People who are d/Dear or hard of hearing, B. New and early readers, C. People in loud public places, and D. People learning a new language

4. Which caption has the correct format?

question-4-answer-a: five-day weather forecast for Toronto

question-4-answer-b: Stay tuned for the five-dayline break
weather forecast for Toronto

Please pause the text to speech reader to answer the question. What follows next will be the answer.

Question 4 Right answer: Stay tuned for the five-day line break weather forecast for Toronto

5. What are closed captions?

question-5-answer-a: Captions at the end of a broadcast program

question-5-answer-b: Captions that you can turn on and off

question-5-answer-c: Captions that are on all the time

Please pause the text to speech reader to answer the question. What follows next will be the answer.

Question 5 Right answer: B. Captions that you can turn on and off

6. How many characters per line are recommended for captions?

question-6-answer-a: 5-20

question-6-answer-b: 21-31

question-6-answer-c: 32-42

question-6-answer-d: Up to 47

Please pause the text to speech reader to answer the question. What follows next will be the answer.

Question 6 Right answer: D. Up to 47

7. What is described video?

question-7-answer-a: Video that has a complicated script.

question-7-answer-b: Video that includes dialogue between two people.

question-7-answer-b: Video that has a narrator who describes the action that is happening in each scene.

question-7-answer-d: Video that has captions on the screen.

Please pause the text to speech reader to answer the question. What follows next will be the answer.

Question 7 Right answer: C. Video that has a narrator who describes the action that is happening in each scene.

8. What is integrated described video?

question-8-answer-a: Video that includes the narrator as an actor in the program.

question-8-answer-b: Video that includes extra features after the credits.

question-8-answer-c: Video that has a narrator who describes the action.

question-8-answer-d: Video that includes commercials before the program begins.

Please pause the text to speech reader to answer the question. What follows next will be the answer.

Question 8 Right answer: A. Video that includes the narrator as an actor in the program.

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