Why is it important to get involved?

  • You make life long friends
  • Build relationships
  • Gain valuable work experience
  • Develop leadership skills
  • and enhance your resume.

Here are just a few of the opportunities:

Humber Residence Council

Humber Residence Council (HRC) is a group of elected residents that work to provide opportunities and information to students living within residence. A primary role of HRC members is to create and implement events for the entire residence building. There are two councils; one for North campus and one for Lakeshore Campus. If you’re interested in leadership positions within residence, HRC is comprised of multiple executive and floor/building representative positions!

Leadership Positions within the Humber Residence Council

You can get involved right away in your first year of residence, by campaigning to be an HRC floor/building representative!  These positions are elected only, with elections being held in the first few weeks of September.  As a representative of the HRC, you will have the privilege to further influence the residence experience by attending the Food and Residence Forum. Think you might return to residence for another year? Executive positions are typically elected in March for the subsequent year.

Food and Residence Forum

The Food and Residence Forum is an advisory committee that meets regularly to discuss food and residence service ideas and feedback. One responsibility of this committee is to take feedback from residents on how to improve residence and food operations, such as residence facilities, food quality, hospitality and more. Food and Residence Forum members also participate in special events provided by Chartwells, our food service provider in residence.

Healthy Living Committee

Have you ever felt passionate about empowering positive change in others? In our residence, a cluster of motivated students get together and tackle relevant and current issues, such as alcohol and drug misuse, mental health awareness, stress/anxiety-related issues and more! Join us in the conversation and work towards making our residence and campus community a more positive community.