Implicit Bias Training

The Prevention of Implicit Bias in the Classroom and Workplace

February 14, 2018
1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
North Campus, LRC 6108

REGISTRATION: Online registration - Please see attachment for instructions on how to register
For further information contact Sacha Ally at or x4808


  • Understand the concept of Implicit Bias, as well as other forms of bias such as affinity, confirmation, benevolent, and intersectional bias;
  • Consider practical examples of circumstances in which biases can manifest in our interactions with others;
  • Understand the impact of bias on students and staff; and
  • Provide best practices and tools that can assist in addressing bias and seeking to minimize its impact on day-to-day decisions in the workplace and classroom.


Cory Boyd, LL.B
Rubin & Thomlinson LLP

Cory joined Rubin Thomlinson LLP in 2011 where his varied experiences allow him to effectively conduct workplace investigations that meet the unique needs of any business environment. He also works with organizations to create effective policies and procedures and provide training to staff on topics such as human rights and harassment, respect at work, conducting effective workplace investigations and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act.