Since November 17th, 2014, Humber Polytechnic has been scheduling and hosting all Ontario Building Code 2012 Examinations on behalf of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing.
The Building Code Act, 1992 and the Building Code (Ontario Regulation 332/12) are available on ServiceOntario's e-laws site.
To purchase Building Code publications, including the 2012 Building Code Compendium, please visit Publications Ontario.
Qualification & Registration
The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (the Ministry) administers the Building Code Act and the Building Code which governs the construction, renovation, change of use and demolition of buildings in Ontario. The Building and Development Branch of the Ministry leads the delivery of Building Code support services to the building industry and to municipalities across Ontario.
Sections 15.11 and 15.12 of the Building Code Act, 1992 require certain building practitioners to have the qualifications set out in the Building Code. These qualifications are set out in Part 3 of Division C of the Building Code, and apply to:
- Building officials, including chief building officials, supervisors, managers, inspectors (including on-site sewage system inspectors and fire protection inspectors) and plans examiners
- Certain classes of designers
- Private companies hired by municipalities to conduct inspections (known as registered code agencies)
- On-site sewage system installers
Required qualifications include:
- Successful completion of an examination program administered by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, and
- Registration or filing with the Director of the Building and Development Branch.
Any individual is entitled to apply for and take examinations in accordance with the Ministry’s Examination Policies and Procedures, and as further described on the Building Code qualification and registration page of the Ministry’s website. Examination requirements vary by practitioner type and the scope of the work performed.
Available Examinations
In accordance with the requirements of the Building Code, Building Code qualification examinations are developed by the Ministry. Through an Agreement between the Ministry and Humber Polytechnic, the examinations are delivered by Humber.
The Ministry prepares syllabi for all Building Code examinations and makes them available on its website, at The syllabi outline which parts of the Building Code Act, 1992 and the Building Code will be covered in any given examination. Candidates are advised to review them in their preparations for examinations.
Candidates are currently able to apply to write the following 16 Building Code examinations:
- General Legal/Process 2012
- Powers and Duties of CBO 2012
- Powers and Duties of RCA 2012
- Designer Legal/Process 2012
- House 2012
- Small Buildings 2012
- Large Buildings 2012
- Complex Buildings 2012
- HVAC-House 2012
- Detection, Lighting and Power 2012
- Building Services 2012
- Building Structural 2012
- Plumbing-House 2012
- Plumbing-All Buildings 2012
- Fire Protection 2012
- On-site Sewage Systems 2012
More information on examinations:
- Candidate Protocol
- Examination Format
- Examination Schedule
- Examination Policy
- Testing Accommodations
- Appeals
Examination Registration
Information is available here on registering for an examination.
The registration fee for each examination is $150.00 with payment required at the time of registration via Visa, Mastercard, Visa Debit, or Debit Mastercard. Registration for an examination must be made at least two weeks (14 days) in advance of the examination date.
A cancellation/refund of an Ontario Building Code examination must be requested at least 15 days in advance of the scheduled examination date. A $50.00 administrative fee will apply per examination. No refunds, cancellations or changes will be made to examination registrations within 14 days of the scheduled examination date.
Examination fees may be eligible for the tuition tax credit. A receipt to substantiate your eligible examination fees is available upon request. Please email us your request and include the following information:
- Candidate Name
- Examination
- OBC Examination Reference Number
Building Code Identification Number (BCIN)
To apply to write an examination, you will need a Building Code Identification Number (BCIN). Anyone writing a Building Code examination for the first time will require a BCIN in order to register with Humber Polytechnic.
If you do not have a BCIN, you may request one through the Ministry's website.
Building Code training is available, though not obligatory, to assist practitioners in preparing for Building Code qualification examinations.
Training is available through a number of providers. The Ministry has entered into an agreement with George Brown College under which George Brown College has assumed responsibility for updating and delivering Building Code training courses previously prepared by the Ministry. George Brown College, in turn, has entered into agreements with a number of other colleges to provide for training course delivery across Ontario.
Services en français (French Language Services)
Les candidats peuvent demander une version française de l’examen (en version papier uniquement). À la réception de la demande, le Polytechnique Humber prendra les arrangements nécessaires pour fournir un examen et des services de surveillance en français.
Inscription à l'examenFileBuildingCodeRegistrationFormFrench.pdf (735.59 KB)
Demande de révision d'un résultat d'examenFileAppealsOnExamsFrench.pdf (372.93 KB)
Further Information
For more information on registering for a Building Code examination, contact Humber Polytechnic.
For complete information on qualification and registration, please visit the
Humber Polytechnic is committed to respecting your privacy and protecting your personal information and adheres to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA), 1990, and Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA), 2004. The personal information collected is necessary for the administration of Ontario Building Code examinations. Your information is used for verifying your eligibility for testing and updating your credentials with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing under the authority of Section 15.11 of the Building Code Act, 1992. If you have any questions about the collection of this information, please contact the Manager, Ontario Building Code Examinations, Humber Polytechnic, 30 Carrier Drive, Toronto ON M9W 5T7 via email or telephone at 416-675-6622 ext 4691.