Macroeconomics (Business)

Course Code: BECN 200

Academic Year: 2025-2026

Economics provides a way of developing orderly and systematic tools for examining many kinds of domestic and international issues. Macroeconomic issues make the news every day. Whether the news relates to interest rates, unemployment, inflation, recession, trade, the exchange rate of the Canadian dollar against other currencies or productivity, the issues affect us all. This course introduces the theoretical models and the data that are essential to understand aggregate Canadian production and spending. It also examines fluctuations in business activity and the ways in which the government conducts fiscal and monetary policies to achieve key economic objectives.Please note that students who choose to take an online section of this course must write the final exam in person, at either the Humber North or Lakeshore campus, or, if located more than 100km from the campus, through an approved proctoring facility. Any costs associated with this are the sole responsibility of the student.