Strategy 1 - Strategic Management

Course Code: BMGT 304

Academic Year: 2025-2026

This course is the first of two capstone courses requiring students to integrate concepts and approaches gained from all previous courses. In a competitive world, nothing affects a company's success or failure more fundamentally than how well its management team sets the company's long-term direction and develops and implements effective strategic moves. In this course, students will use the case study approach to examine the vision, mission, goals and objectives of a company and to analyze its internal resources and the environment in which it operates. Using this analysis and their knowledge from the areas of marketing, finance, operations and management gained in previous courses, students will formulate strategic alternatives leading to a final supported recommendation. Students must successfully complete BMGT 304 in order to register for BMGT 355 - Business Policy, which is the second and final capstone course in the Business Administration program.