Course Code: INTD 3508
Academic Year: 2024-2025
This class will provide an exploration of related disciplines that support and are supported by the interior design field. Three learning modules will provide a broad exposure to theories and practices of interdisciplinary collaboration. Students will explore contemporary theoretical debate surrounding interdisciplinary collaboration, research and test collaborative strategies and demonstrate the strategic value of interdisciplinary practice in order to meet and exceed industry standards. This course of study will encourage collaborative, concurrent design strategies while enhancing creative synthesis between disciplines. Experts/ industry specialists in all fields will help form the framework for student achievement. Students will undertake two major projects demonstrating the creative processes and innovation associated with their own and supporting disciplines. First, students will participate in a small scale construction project culminating in the production of an artifact, allowing the students to see the relationship between their design methodology, project innovation and the built/designed environment. Second, students will create a design brief that applies interdisciplinary practices to strategic project conceptualization and development for a commercial facility from the design studio project.