Consumer Behaviour

Course Code: MKTG 150

Academic Year: 2025-2026

This course will focus on the vital importance of service industries, such as banking and finance, health-care, and automobile services and the role they play in today's economy. The course will supplement and build on the basic marketing course by focusing on the strategies and problems specific to service businesses. It introduces a new focus within the marketing mix, emphasizing the implications of customer expectations and perceptions, including the services marketer's three Ps - people, physical evidence and process - and the effect of these services marketing elements on consumer behaviour. Also included is the focus on the GAPS model of service quality, the impact of service failure and recovery, consumer-based pricing and value-pricing strategies, integrated services marketing communications and the direct effects of service on profits. Please note that students who choose to take an online section of this course must write the final exam in person, at either the Humber North or Lakeshore campus, or, if located more than 100km from the campus, through an approved proctoring facility. Any costs associated with this are the sole responsibility of the student.