Writing Lab 6: Special Projects

Course Code: PBRL 3506

Academic Year: 2024-2025

This capstone writing course builds on skills learned in the previous five writing courses in the program and focuses on applying planning, analytical and writing skills to more complex public relations and academic writing assignments. These assignments may include feature-length articles, position papers, grant/funding proposals, speeches, white papers and/or academic writing assignments such as a literature review. Included in this course is a unit on writing using AI, which is based on current public relations industry practices. The Canadian Press (CP) style of writing is used and assessed in this course, as are proper reference and citation rules utilizing APA. Awareness of current events and issues locally, nationally and internationally is essential for successfully developing the work in this course; current events knowledge will be tested. Students assemble writing samples from all six writing courses to create a writing portfolio in preparation for their internship interviews.