Introduction to Justice Careers

Course Code: PFP 120

Academic Year: 2024-2025

This introductory course examines the history, mission, functions, responsibilities, and recruiting practises of several justice sectors within the Canadian Justice System. By examining their own implicit biases and the impacts they have on equity deserving groups, students will reflect upon the reasons and motivations that have led them to consider entering a justice career and, in the process, create a personal vision of social justice that positions them to becomes allies in the field. Students will discover the unique application, qualifications, and competencies required to compete within each sector and how each sectors recruitment process is committed to equity, diversity, and inclusion. By engaging in self-reflection and simulated assessments, interacting with recruiters in the field, and learning to access career support and personal development services at Humber College, students will be well positioned to create their own readiness portfolios to assist them identify, leverage, and amend future career paths.