Fitness for Policing and Lifestyle Management

Course Code: PFP 410

Academic Year: 2023-2024

Based on the skills and knowledge gained in PFP. 210 Fitness and Lifestyle Management, this course will focus on the theoretical and practical application of both the physical and occupational requirements of a career in law enforcement. Students will be required to apply appropriate fitness skills in order to continue to increase and/or maintain an overall physical fitness level that will allow them to work toward achieving the standards of occupational fitness tests as required. Due to the nature of the online delivery of this course, students are expected to follow their own fitness regime. They are expected to follow through on the fitness plan created in PFP. 210 Fitness and Lifestyle Management and maintain a fitness log to be submitted. Note: This course can be taken in place of PFP. 308 Lifestyle Management 1 and PFP. 408 Lifestyle Management 2.