Course Code: PLBA 3002
Academic Year: 2025-2026
This course covers the functioning of law departments of federal and provincial government ministries and, while prosecuting or defending court proceedings, their interaction with the private sector. The role of these legal departments in carrying out public policy and ensuring compliance with statutory and regulatory regimes receives special attention. The course focuses on the workings of these offices in managing complex litigation through the use of project teams of lawyers, paralegals and legal assistants. Students gain firsthand insight into drafting pleadings, including statements of defence based on statutory underpinnings; the strategic considerations in requests to admit and statements of agreed facts; the intricacies of electronic document management; and the preparation and assessment of bills of costs. The important role of paralegals and legal assistants in the discovery process is explored in detail, including preparation of the affidavit of documents, organizing the extensive documentary evidence, supporting counsel at the examination for discovery and handling undertakings arising from the examination for discovery. The students acquire an in-depth understanding of the important role of crown law offices in pursuing or responding to complex litigious matters and safeguarding the public interest.