Italy: Art and Architecture

Course Code

MILE 210

Academic Year


The MILE (Mile Intensive Learning Experience) is a program that combines both classroom and experiential learning. Students travel to a different part of the world to experience first hand the country and culture that they explore in readings and lectures. In MILE 100 Italy: The Art and Architecture of Italy we will visit Rome, Assisi, Florence, Pisa and Venice.

The art of Italy is a study in passion, power and piety. In this course students consider the relationship between art, religion and politics as they as explore threee great centers of art. Examining the works of Michelangelo, Caravaggio, da Vinci, Bernini, Gentileschi, Botticelli, amongst others, they examine the role that power, history, money, and belief play in shaping art and the Artworld. From classical times through the Renaissance to contemporary culture, they consider how these factors inform what is seen within the work of art and how they shape the very definition of what constitutes art. In this context, students are offered an introduction to art appreciation.