
Course Code

SOCI 247

Academic Year


In the 21st century, great leadership will emerge in an environment of cynicism and rapid social change. Leaders must be willing to embrace uncertainty as they face pressing societal problems, technological revolution, and undiscovered opportunities. What is great leadership? What are the goals of leadership? How does context, including cultural values, influence the process of leadership? Whose interests should leadership serve? How are leaders and followers related? What are the ethical and social responsibilities of leadership?

This course will provide an introduction to the study of leadership theory and the various models of leadership that have developed both past and present. Particular emphasis will be put on the more current Reciprocal Leadership paradigm that emphasizes collaboration, character and empowerment.

NOTE: The course is also designed to provide an experience in student leadership. Along with engaging in various personal leadership exploration exercises and group dynamics workshops, a significant portion of the final grade will be based on participation in a community or campus outreach program. College students will volunteer a minimum of 15 hours beyond the classroom to a charity, aid organization, or campus program. This integral component of the course will help students deepen their individual potential for great leadership.