Module 1
Transition to Post-Secondary

Differences Between High School And Post-Secondary

Learning at college and university is quite different than high school. Some of you may have just completed high school while others may be starting post-secondary at a different point in their life. Either way, learning at college and university can be a transition! It may seem overwhelming at first, but our goal is to help ease your transition and put you on the path to success at Humber College and the University of Guelph-Humber.

Below you can explore some of the main differences between high school and post-secondary, and reflect on some of the skills you will need as you enter this new chapter of your learning journey.

 Black and white vector icon of a calendar and checkmark.

Transition Readiness Checklist Are You Ready For College/University?

Black and white vector icon of a document list with graduation cap hanging from the corner page.

From Surviving to Thriving

Knowledge Check - High School vs Post-Secondary

High School Post-Secondary
Less time spent in class. You are expected to do more independent learning outside class time. Group work may need to schedule meeting times.
Profs may lecture non-stop, expecting you to identify important points. PowerPoints are often a supplement, not a summary, so good notes are essential.
Profs may not follow textbook and expect you to relate classes to textbook readings.
Professors expect you to initiate contact if help is needed. You will need to make appointment during office hours.
You will need to revise every day because of volume of work covered and fast pace of delivery.
You must request accommodations and schedule test accommodations at the Test Centre.

Select the appropriate options about high school that correspond with each option in the post-secondary column and input the correct letter in the chart above.

A. Teachers will coordinate lessons with material in textbook. B. More time spent in class with teacher directing learning activities. C. You may be used to studying or cramming the night before the test.
D. Teachers will write important things on board for you to copy down. E. Accommodations for tests scheduled by teachers for students with exceptionalities/ disabilities. F. Teachers may approach you if they think you need help