Management of Course Data Through Uploads (UG - Course Upload)

Courses can be managed in HQ by users that have the "Courses" ability. The act of adding courses and managing certain fields has been removed from HQ Course Inventory. This is instead managed in a Course Upload module that populates the data from spreadsheets provided by the registrar's office. To prevent course data from becoming inconsistent, the users in the "Manage Courses" user group can only edit certain fields in HQ.



1. Login to HQ (

2. Click Course Inventory (Top Menu)

3. Search for a course

hq select course

4. Select the course and academic year

hq edit course

5. Edit fields for the course. Note: fields that are grayed out are managed by a course upload module.

6. Click Update Course


1. Academic Year (UG - Courses)

2. Course Level (UG - Course Upload)

3. Course Title

Identify the official course name as it appears in the program. The name is limited to 256 characters. (UG - Course Upload)

4. Course Code

Identify the official course code assigned by the registrar's office. Course codes are assigned prior to outline development. Outline developers will be given access to the course codes that they are responsible for developing. (UG - Course Upload)

5. Credit Value

Identify the credit value for the course. 3 Credits = Courses of 42 to 70 hours in duration. (UG - Course Upload)

6. Developed By

Indicate the name of the individual completing and or editing the course outline. (UG - Courses)

7. Schedule Type Code

Enter the schedule type code. (UG - Courses)

8. Total Course Hours

Enter the total number of hours scheduled on each student's timetable for this course. For example, a three period per week lecture course delivered over 15 weeks is considered 45 hours. (UG - Course Upload)

9. Co-Requisite(s)

Enter, by course code, any courses that a student must be taking at the same time as this course. Start by typing at least 3 characters of the course code or course name in the box then select the course from the list below. If there are no co-requisites, leave this section blank. (UG - Courses)

10. Pre-Requisite(s) for

If this course is required in order to take another course, enter the course code for which it is a pre-requisite. If this course is not a pre-requisite for any other courses, leave this section blank. (UG - Courses)

11. Equates

If this course is equivalent to another course(s) offered at Humber College, list the course(s). For example, Urban Sociology might be considered equivalent to Introduction to Sociology. (UG - Courses)

12. Restrictions

If the course is restricted to certain students, indicate which group. For example, you might state here that this course is only open to students in the Faculty of Social and Community Services. (UG - Course Upload)

13. Modality (UG - Courses)

14. Faculty or Department

Identify the name of the faculty offering this particular course. The Faculty or Department refers to one of eight separate divisions offering unique programs of study within Humber ITAL. (UG - Course Upload)

15. School Logo (UG - Courses)

16. Faculty

Identify the name(s) of the faculty who will be assigned to teach the course in the upcoming term. (UG - Courses)

17. Faculty Email

List the Humber email for all faculty assigned to teach the course in the upcoming year. The format is: first name.last (UG - Courses)

18. Faculty Availability

Identify office hours outside of class time when faculty teaching the course will be available to meet with students. If this is unknown type in "to be determined". (UG - Courses)

19. Prepared By

Indicate the name of the individual completing and/or editing the course outline. Include the person's full name and highest credential. IE: Jane Doe, PhD (UG - Courses)

20. Course Specific Policies and Expectations

Identify any policies or expectations that are unique to this course. (UG - Courses)

21. Research Activity (UG - Courses)