Management of Academic Cycle (UG - Program Details)

Full-Time Programs

Program Details handles the Full-Time Programs, duplicates, publishes them and makes sure the content is correct. This includes Admission Requirements, Post-Admission Requirements and How to Apply.

Program Availability handles the dates the domestic, international availability as well as the conditional acceptance.

Program Fees handles the fees associated with each program.

Blackcat handles adding any NEW Full-Time Programs and their corresponding CMS pages to the websites.

Blackcat handles copying of Related Programs over to new academic year.

Blackcat will work with RO to make sure the Equipment and Devices module for the following Academic year is correct and up to date.

Blackcat will be notified by RO when to switch the fees heading in the program widget to the following academic year.

Program Details to check the NEW tag and make sure it is updated for the following year.

Once Program Details confirms the completion of Full-Time Programs for the following Academic year, Blackcat switches the Academic year over in HQ and on the front-end for Full-Time.


The completion of Full-Time Courses:

  • Course Inventory (UG - Courses)
  • Curriculum (SOS DB)
  • Electives (SOS DB)
  • Course Lists (SOS DB)

Need to be complete for the following Academic year before the academic year for Full-Time switches over.


CE Programs

Program Details handles the CE Programs, duplicates, publishes them and makes sure the content is correct. This includes Admission Requirements, Post-Admission Requirements and How to Apply.

Program Availability handles the dates the domestic, international availability as well as the conditional acceptance.

Program Fees handles the fees associated with each program.

Blackcat handles adding any NEW CE Programs and their corresponding CMS pages to the websites.

Blackcat handles copying of Related Programs over to new academic year.

Once Program Details confirms the completion of CE Programs for the following Academic year, Blackcat switches the Academic year over in HQ and on the front-end for CE.

CE switch over date set to: July 6th, 2020


The completion of CE Courses:

  • Course Inventory (UG - Courses)
  • CE Course Offerings (UG - Manage CE Offerings)
  • Curriculum (SOS DB)
  • Electives (SOS DB)
  • Course Lists (SOS DB)

Need to be complete for the following Academic year before the academic year for CE switches over.

Proposed Workflow:

  1. Banner team verifies and validates course data in Banner for the academic cycle
  2. Program/Details/Admission Requirements/Fees/Availability team validates CE program data in HQ and Banner for the academic cycle
  3. RO team sends full course inventory data from Banner to Blackcat for syncing with HQ course inventory for the academic cycle
  4. Once the above is verified and completed - switch the CE year over to the new academic cycle


The academic years for Full-Time and CE are separate. The CE academic year usually is one year behind that of Full-Time.