Adding a Program to the Website (UG - Blackcat and Program Details)


Step 1: RO - Program Initiation - Add program curriculum, courses and fees to Banner and SOS DB

1. Initiating a program for Full Time - Debbie

2. Initiating a program for CE - Curriculum team will send the Faculty and cc Blackcat with the details of a CE Program as approval to start the process for the website

3. Fill Program Submission form and submit to Blackcat

4. Program curriculum, courses and fees will show on program page CMS (pulled from SOS DB by Blackcat)

5. The submission of the form will automatically notify the Banner team ( to add program to sos_program


Step 2: HQ - Initiating the new program process (UG - Blackcat)

1. Login to HQ (

2. Go to Program Inventory

3. Add Program

4. Add Program Name, Program Code, Credential, Keywords, Areas of Interest, Length, Intended for International Students and Faculty (Information will be provided to Blackcat)

5. Tag the program as Full-Time or CE (Blackcat is informed with this information from Program Edits)


program details

Step 3: HQ - Filling in Program Details (UG - Program Details)

1. Find program in HQ - Program Inventory - Details

2. Choose New toggle for New programs

3. Choose Online toggle for Online programs

4. Fill out as much information as possible and check

  • Program Description
  • Print Description
  • Your Career
  • Placement Type
  • Work Placement
  • Study Abroad
  • Additional Cost
  • Contact Information
  • Placement Contact Information
  • Admission Questions

5. Save

admission requirements

Step 4: HQ - Fill in Admission Requirements (UG - Admission Requirements)

1. Find program in HQ - Program Inventory - Admission Requirements

2. Fill out as much information as possible and check

  • Optional Selection Statement
  • Academic Requirements Description
  • Tags
  • English Language Proficiency
  • International Credit Evaluation Type
  • Additional Requirements (Can add multiple with +/-)

3. Save

post admission requirements

Step 5: HQ - Fill in Post-Admission Requirements (UG - Post-Admission Requirements)

1. Find program in HQ - Program Inventory - Post-Admission Requirements

2. Add Post-Admission Requirements with +/- and fill in: Title, Description, Additional Details Button/URL

3. Save

program availability

Step 6: HQ - Fill in Program Availability (UG - Program Availability)

1. Find program in HQ - Program Inventory - Availability

2. Add all applicable program availability

3. Fill in: Campus, Start Date, Conditional Acceptance, Domestic and International Availability

4. Save

program fees

Step 7: HQ - Fill in Program Fees Custom Messages - If applicable (UG - Program Fees/Cost)

1. Find program in HQ - Program Inventory - Fees/Cost

2. Fill in: Custom fees, Custom fees disclaimer

3. Save

how to

Step 8: HQ - Fill in How To Apply (UG - How To Apply)

1. Find program in HQ - Program Inventory - How To Apply

2. Fill in: Apply Now URL and How to Apply Custom Message (if applicable)

3. Save

program outcomes

Step 9: HQ - Fill in Program Standards (UG - Program Standards)

1. Find program in HQ - Program Inventory - Standards/Outcomes

2. Add a Ministry Standard URL (if applicable)

3. Add all applicable outcomes

4. Save


Step 10: HQ - Fill in Equipment & Devices (UG - Blackcat)

1. Receive data from RO

2. Add Equipment title and detail according to Semester

3. Save

program page

Step 11: CMS - Create CMS Page (UG - Blackcat)

1. Create a CMS page with the appropriate template (use FT or CE) on the appropriate Faculty site

2. Add banner image, and any other rich content available for promotion

3. Check APIs, check links, check AODA

4. Send DEV link to stakeholder for preview, edits or approval to go live


Step 12 - Go Live - CMS/HQ

1. Go Live with CMS page (UG - Blackcat)

2. Publish Program in HQ (UG - Program Details)

3. Add the page URL from the live site into the URL field (UG - Blackcat)

4. Save the Program (UG - Blackcat)

5. Check that the Program shows up in Searches and connects to the CMS page (UG - Program Details)