Discontinued Full-Time Programs


  1. When a program is suspended or discontinued, if it is to remain in the program search - then it should be kept "Published" for the current year academic year and a custom message should be added to the program. Otherwise, the status of the program should be changed to "Unpublished" in HQ for the current year by the Program User Group (Debbie and Rebecca).


programs Not Available in 2023

  1. Unpublishing the program for the current year, or a change of status to "Suspended" in Program Availability, will automatically move the program out of the active program search and into a new filter called "Discontinued".

Program Page

  1. Unpublishing a program will also activate an automated switchover from the published program page template, to the Not Available Program Page Template. This new template removes these features from the page
    • Program Availability
    • The Widget and Apply Now
    • Radial of the Year being discontinued

Program Page

  1. The new template will add
    • Automated/Custom message stating that the program is discontinued. Or a custom message that allows a promotion of related programs to the audience.
    • Program/Transfer advising information along with Admissions Contact information
      When the cache clears - the front-end page will show as in the sample shown.


Program info

  1. If a custom message is added to the program's previous year, it will replace the automated message and show in the red box.