Program Review - Keywords/Faculty & Credentials (UG - Program Reviewers)

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STEPS (Program Review - Keywords)

1) Go to Program Review

2) Scroll to bottom to view Keywords

3) Select Edit

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4) Edit Keywords here

5) To delete keywords just click the X beside the keyword on this screen

6) View/edit list of existing keywords by clicking Manage Keywords

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7) New Keywords can be added to the Master List by clicking Add Keyword

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8) Return to Program Review page

9) Click Edit

10) Click beside last keyword

11) Select keyword for your program and Update

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STEPS (Program Review - Faculty & Credentials)

1) Go to Program Review

2) Click the Faculty & Credentials tab

3) Select Edit

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4) Edit Our Professors text and add Faculty members here

5) To delete Faculty Members, click the X beside their name on this screen

6) Click the Faculty Members button to view all existing Faculty Members and their credentials (Master List)

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7) A list of Faculty Members and their credentials will be displayed

8) You can Edit an existing Faculty member by clicking 'Edit'

9) New faculty credentials can be added by clicking Add Faculty Member

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10) Fill out First Name Last Name and Faculty and Credentials

11) Click Save

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12) Return to Program Review page

13) Click Edit

14) Click beside last faculty member name

15) Select name for the faculty member