Manage People to Cover – Adding a Dependent

Learn how to perform this action in the HRMS.


This knowledge article will show you the steps for adding a dependent to your benefits plan.

1. Sign in to the HRMS using your single sign-on ID and password.

2. Click ‘Benefits’. 

3. Click ‘People to Cover’. 

4. If you plan to add family members and others to your benefit plans, add them as contacts before you enroll – Click ‘Add’ . 

5. Under ‘New Contact’, Complete all the mandatory fields marked by an asterisk(*) and all the relevant details.

6. Click on ‘Submit’. 

7. If you plan to designate others to your benefit offerings, add them first before you enroll – Click on ‘Add’ next to ‘Beneficiary Organizations’.

8. Enter the Start Date by clicking on the Calendar icon. Complete all the mandatory fields marked by an asterisk(*) and all the relevant details.

9. Click ‘Save’.