Paid Leave without Benefits

Learn how to perform this action in the HRMS.


1. Sign onto HRMS using your single sign-on ID and password.

2. Click on ‘Benefits Administration’ tab.

3. Click on ‘Enrollment’.

4. Enter ‘Name/Person Number’.

 Note: Complete at least one field with double asterisk (**).

5. Click on ‘Search’ on the right.

6. Under Search Results, Click on ‘Name’ of the employee with Assignment status as LV- Pregnancy or LV-Parental.

 Note: It is required to enter Life event to stop benefits.

7. Click on ‘Tasks’ action pane.

8. Under Benefits Enrollment, Click on ‘Person life event’.

9. Under Potential Life events, Click on Create ‘+’ icon.

10. In Life event dropdown list, select ‘Paid Leave’.

11. Ensure Paid leave start date is in Occurred field.

12. Ensure Notified and Unprocessed date are same as Occurred date in previous step.

13. Click on ‘Save’ on top right.

14. Click on ‘Tasks’ actions pane.

14. Under Benefits enrollment, Click on ‘Process Life events’.

15. Under Process life events, Enter start date of Life Event in ‘Effective start date’.

16. Click on ‘Go’.

17. Click on ‘Evaluate Life Event’.

18. Close Process Life event by clicking ‘x’ beside it.

19. Close Person Life event by clicking ‘x’ beside it.

20. Click on ‘Refresh’ on right.

21. You will see under Potential life eventStart of Paid leave is in ‘Processed’ status.

22. Click on ‘Tasks’ actions pane.

23. Under Benefits Enrollments, Click on ‘Enrollment Results’.

24. Under Enrollment Results, scroll down to see all Benefits are in ‘Suspended’ status.

25. You must Ensure Pension and Critical illness are end dated.

26. Click on ‘Tasks’ actions pane.

27. Under Benefits enrollment, Click on ‘Enrollment override’.

28. Under Enrollment override, under Enrollments, scroll down to Plan Type Critical illness. If it is waived, you don’t need to end date it because employee does not have it.

29. Scroll down to Full time Pension plan: Covered, end date the Start of the paid leave.

30. Scroll down, Under Rates, Enter End date in Rate End date for F-T Pension rate EE and F-T Pension rate ER.

31. Scroll up, click on ‘Save’.

32. Click on ‘Yes’ on the Warning message popup screen.

33. Close Enrollment Override by clicking ‘x’ beside it.

34. Close Enrollment Results by clicking ‘x’ beside it.

35. Click on ‘Refresh’ on right.

36. Click on ‘Tasks’ actions pane.

37. Under Benefits Enrollments, Click on ‘Enrollment Results’.

38. Under Enrollment Results.

39. In Session effective date, enter a Coverage start date.

40. Click on ‘Go’.

41. You should see all Benefits are Suspended and Pension is end dated.

 Note: These steps will be the same for F-T Academic and Support.