Rollback Calculate Prepayments

Learn how to perform this action in the HRMS.


1. Sign onto HRMS using your single sign-on ID and password.

2. Under ‘Payroll’, Click ‘Payroll Calculations’.

3. On Right-hand side,  Click Tasks icon.

4. Under Payroll Flow, Click ‘Submit a process or Report’.

5. In the Legislative Data Group dropdown box, select a value ‘CA Legislative Data Group’.

6. Under Flow Pattern, Click ‘ Rollback Process’.

7. Click ‘Next’.

8. In Payroll flow, enter a value in format e.g., ‘HCYYYYPP_PAYMENT_VAL_FT_ROLLBACK’.

 Where HC=Humber College, YYYY=4-digit year, PP=pay period#

Note : In ‘HC201907-‘ 2019 is a year, 07 is the pay period.

9. If the name already exists, you can add a different number at the end of the name.

10. Click Search icon beside ‘Payroll Process’.

11. Enter for e.g., ‘HC201907’ click ‘Search’.

12. Select ‘HC201907_PAYMENT_VAL_FT|Calculate PrePayments’.

13. Click ‘Submit’.

14. In the Confirmation screen, Click ‘Ok and View CheckList’.

15. Click Refresh icon.

Note: Wait for a couple of minutes for the screen to refresh.

16. Under Status, there should be a GREEN Checkmark and Complete% will be 100.

17. Under Go to the task, Click Side arrow.

18. On the next ‘Payroll FlowHC201907_PAYMENT_VAL_FT_ROLLBACK’ screen, If you see ERROR/WARNING as ‘0’  then Process was run Error-free.

19. Click ‘Done’ on Upper right-hand side.