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Now, you should understand some of the unique considerations to keep in mind when approaching assessments in an online course. After completing this module, you should feel comfortable working through the six steps of designing and building an online assessment for your course. As you’ll see in the action items below, you should take the time to complete these steps for at least one assessment right now.

For this step in the course planning process, your Action Items are…

  • Identify the learning outcomes or objectives that you are assessing.
  • Choose a task that directly aligns with the selected learning outcomes, and ensure that it is fair and fully accessible to learners. (Refer to the guiding considerations in this module.)
  • Decide whether your assessment will be formative or summative.
  • Build the assessment in Blackboard Ultra.
  • Communicate expectations clearly to learners. If your assessment is a summative (graded) assignment, please create a rubric using the resources provided in this module.
  • Add additional instructions and clarifications on Blackboard so that you reduce hidden learning curves for learners.

Once these actions are complete, please proceed to the next module.


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