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Academic Plan: 2023-2026 - Looking Forward

Leading Transformative Change

Watch this video to learn more about your opportunity to push the boundaries of how we think about, design and deliver the best possible learning experience for every student.

Application Process

Humber’s Commitment: Humber supports faculty and staff in exploring innovative teaching and learning approaches that lead to transformative change across our learning environments.

Proposal Criteria

Proposals that demonstrate clear connections to Humber’s Academic Plan priorities and demonstrate potential scalability will be prioritized.

Proposal Criteria:

  • Must support at least one of the goals of the Academic Plan. The rationale statement of the proposal must highlight the goal selection(s). Relevant proposal topics include, but are not limited to:
    • Authentic assessment
    • Harnessing new and emerging technology in teaching and learning
    • Digital fluency
    • Modularizing curriculum
    • Recognition of prior learning
    • Innovative teaching and learning delivery
    • Competency based learning
  • Shows potential scalable application to other program areas and/or the institution
  • Involves faculty or staff collaboration, particularly projects with a multi-disciplinary or inter-disciplinary aspect
  • Demonstrates connection to Humber’s innovation ecosystem, including but not limited to the Centres of Innovation network, work integrated learning, the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning or applied research.
  • Supports Equity, Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging (EDIB) and/or Indigenous Ways of Being Knowing and Doing (IWBKD) or other aspects of Humber Learning Outcomes (HLOs) and/or Universal Design for Learning (UDL) integration.
  • Project Deliverables, Activities, and Milestones are clearly established and feasible.
  • Team roles and responsibilities, along with time and resource requirements are clearly defined and feasible.

What happens after my proposal is submitted?

The online portal will acknowledge receipt of your proposal. Your immediate supervisor will receive a notice that you have submitted a proposal. They will review the requested time commitment and reply as to whether the department can support your release should the application be successful. Additionally, your collaborators will be asked to confirm their participation.

Your proposal will be evaluated by the review committee. Following review, you will receive correspondence regarding next steps.

How to Apply

Before completing the proposal, it is recommended that you discuss your intention to apply with your immediate supervisor for their feedback regarding potential operational impacts.

Preparing Your Application

Please Note: Round 2 of the Call for Proposals is now closed. You will be able to start working on Round 3 proposals using the downloadable working file under How to Apply. Round 3 application dates will be announced.

Preparing for Round 3 Applications

To preview the application form, you can download and use this document as a guide for preparing your proposal for the online submission. You can use this for your working copy and/or upload it to Microsoft Office to use it for collaborating with your team. Once Round 3 Application dates are announced, a link to the Online Application Form will be provided.

Alternate Requests

The Online Application Form is available in an alternate format upon request.


If you have any questions about this initiative or the application form, criteria or process, please contact

Please Note:

Round 2 of the Call for Proposals is now closed. You will be able to start working on Round 3 proposals using the downloadable working file under How to Apply. Round 3 application dates will be announced.