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The Post-Registration Phase of the Real Estate Salesperson Program Has Arrived

The Post-Registration Phase of the Real Estate Salesperson Program, delivered by Humber Polytechnic, has arrived. Registration opens on December 18th, 2020 at 9:00 am and the eLearning courses will begin on December 19th, 2020.

Please note that Post-Registration is phase three of the Real Estate Salesperson Program and not its own program.

All learners who have completed the Pre-Registration Phase and have registered with RECO are eligible to enroll for the Post-Registration Phase. Learners must complete the Post-Registration Phase to be eligible to renew their registration at the end of their initial two-year registration cycle with RECO.

Post-Registration includes a mandatory compliance course and two electives. Learners may choose from five electives. Please see elective availability, indicated below.

Compliance Course:

The mandatory compliance course provides a thorough review of a Registrant’s regulatory and compliance obligations and shows how REBBA impacts their careers. The course also covers compliance requirements during all stages of a trade. Learners will be taught how noncompliance and complaints are addressed by RECO and how to maintain registration under REBBA.

Elective Courses:

Learners will select two of the following electives to complete the Post-Registration phase:

Working in Real Estate: Ownership Alternatives and Complexities

Available December 18th, 2020

  • Learners will focus on non-traditional ownership options, including leasehold interests, cooperative ownership, co-ownership, life-leases and land-leases, among others. 
  • The course also includes information on the complexities of residential condominiums and the legislation impacting this type of property. New property development trends such as infill development, conversion projects, laneway and coach housing are also discussed.

Real Estate as an Investment Strategy: Residential Properties

Available December 18th, 2020

  • A comprehensive overview of residential real estate as an investment strategy, reviewing topics related to landlords, tenants, and valuation approaches. Learners will examine the specific requirements and obligations for these transactions.

Real Estate as an Investment Strategy: Commercial Properties (Fundamentals)

Available December 18th, 2020

  • This course presents fundamental concepts on commercial real estate as an investment strategy including mortgage calculations, property analysis and valuation, capitalization, and operations cash flow. Learners will examine the specific requirements and obligations for these transactions.

Working in Real Estate: Rural, Recreational, Waterfront Properties

Available March 2021

  • This course provides a deeper understanding of rural, recreational and waterfront properties. Learners will examine the specific requirements and obligations for these transactions.

Real Estate as an Investment Strategy: Commercial Properties (Advanced)

Available 2021

  • This course presents advanced concepts on commercial real estate as an investment strategy. The course will explore more advanced forms of cash flow analysis and examine the specific requirements and obligations for transactions involving more complex investment property types. Please note that learners must complete the Real Estate as an Investment Strategy: Commercial Properties (Fundamentals) course as a pre-requisite before registering for this course.