Create Your Own Zoom Account 

You are required to sign up for your own free account at

Creating Your Zoom Account

  1. On the home screen click Sign up, it's free.
  2. Enter your date of birth to confirm verification. Click Continue.
  3. Enter your email address and click Sign Up.
  4. Zoom will send you an email to activate your account. Click the “Activate Account” button in the email or copy and paste the activation URL into your browser to activate your account.
  5. You will then be redirected to the Zoom home page and you can sign in at any time using your new account credentials: email and password.
  6. You can update your Zoom account information and preferences by using the Edit function.
    • Click PROFILE.
    • Upload a personal profile picture.
    • Update your name to ensure it is your Humber College enrolled name.
    • Set Date and Time and preferred Format.