Mandatory Technical Requirements for Simulation Sessions

Technical Readiness Overview

Please complete the self-directed Mandatory Technical Requirements within this resource menu to ensure Simulation Session success.

Upon the completion of these learning instructions, you will know how to:

  • Ensure your device is Zoom compatible.
  • Open a free Zoom account.
  • Use the Zoom tools and features required for Simulation.

Please note, you are required to join the Simulation Session on a device with audio and video (webcam) for the duration of the session.

Mandatory Technical Requirements

These technical requirements are mandatory for use by a Simulation Session 1—Residential Real Estate or Simulation Session 2—Commercial Real Estate Salesperson learner.

The Mandatory Technical Requirements should be used as a practical reference to learn, apply, and continually practice Zoom skills you are expected and required to know and perform as a participant in Simulation Session 1 and 2 activities such as role-plays, creation of sample real estate documents, group discussions, debriefs, completing performance checklists and providing feedback to your fellow participants.

As a Simulation Session learner, you are expected to take part in all discussions and group activities during Simulation Session 1 and 2. Mastery of Zoom skills is crucial to your enjoyment of the Simulation Session, meeting the stated Simulation Session learning outcomes and successfully completing your Simulation assessment.

You will find detailed instructions on how to master the features and tools of Zoom, videos, links to additional resources, user tips, and self-assessment checklist throughout the Mandatory Technical Requirements.

You will need 30 to 60 minutes to complete the Mandatory Technical Requirements and acquire the Zoom skills required to participate in Simulation Session 1 and 2 (depending on your level of experience). We recommend completing the Mandatory Technical Requirements at your earliest convenience ensuring you have the time before you begin your Simulation Session to practice and build confidence to actively engage in discussions and collaborative activities.

Technical Objectives

Before you begin, you will need the following:

  • Computer, Laptop or Device i.e, Tablet.
  • Headset & Microphone recommended.
  • Webcam.

This self-directed Mandatory Technical Requirements outlines the key requirements for accessing your Zoom virtual classroom and using the Zoom features and tools required to participate in your upcoming Simulation Session.

On completion of this independent Mandatory Technical Requirements, you will be able to:

  • Use the prescribed technical, software and skill requirements associated with Zoom.
  • Perform Zoom functions effectively and efficiently in order to actively participate in discussions and group activities.

Zoom call