Onboarding Exam Steps (First Time Test Takers)

  1. Ensure your workspace meets all Examination Day Protocols.
  1. Visit the Proctortrack Website and login with your Proctortrack username and password.

  1. Click on Go to Test button for the onboarding exam.

Student Dashboard Go to Test


  1. Scroll down and read the information provided under the Let’s Get Started guidelines. Checkmark the box at the bottom of the page to agree to the terms.

Confirmation Message Box

  1. Follow the instructions presented on the screen to connect to the Proctortrack app. Review any banner messages displayed (see image below)

    Note: Refer to Appendix A if you are using a Windows device and are unable to download the app. Mac users ensure to follow the steps shown on screen to adjust your permissions. Refer to Appendix B as a reference.

Download and connect

  1. Follow the instructions presented on your screen if the app does not launch (see image below).

Confirmation Message Box

  1. Click on I agree to proceed after reading over the Agreement to Policy.

Confirmation Message Box

  1. Click on Grant Privileges to proceed with the system check for your device.

Administrator Privileges Required

  1. A system check will be completed on your device. Learners using a windows device may come across a fire wall pop up. Select Yes to continue with the app.

Confirmation Message Box

  1. Click on Continue to proceed.

Your system ready for exam

  1. Click on Continue to proceed to identity verification.

Verify Your Identity

  1. You will now be prompted to complete a Face Scan.

    a. Click Scan and follow the instructions displayed on the page.

    b. Click Next to proceed. You can Retake if the scan is blurry.

Verify Your Selfie Image

Verify Your Selfie Image 2

  1. You will now be prompted to complete an ID Scan:

    a. Click on Start Scan and follow the instructions presented on the screen.

    b. Review Appendix D for approved Government issued ID.

    c. Click on Next once you complete your ID scan to proceed.

ID Image Scan

ID Image Scan 2

  1. Click on Next after reading over the Test Guidelines.

Test Guidelines

  1. You will be prompted to complete a room scan. Follow the instructions displayed on the screen to capture a correct scan.

Connect to the mobile app

  1. At this stage learners will use their mobile devices and scan the bar code to complete a room scan. Ensure you have the Proctortrack mobile app downloaded.

Completing a room scan

  1. To download the Proctortrack app visit proctortrack.com/mobile-app on your phone or visit the App Store or Google Play Store.
  1. Launch the Proctortrack mobile app and scan the QR code using the mobile app.

    a.On your mobile device read the instructions on screen and click Next to proceed. You may have to adjust the permission settings on the app.
    b. Select Start to complete a system check on your mobile device.
    c. Select Ok after the system check to proceed with the room scan.
  1. Follow the instructions presented on your mobile.

    a. Record a 360 degree 20-second-long video of you room including left, right and behind you.
    b. Record a 10-second-long video including: your desk, set up, monitor (front), monitor (back).

record a 360 10-second long video

  1. Click Next after your scan is completed to proceed, and your test will start on your monitor.

  1. Plug in your phone if its less than 80% charged into a power source and position it on landscape, selfie mode next to you.

    Note: Phone stands, phone cases with built-in stands, or a clear glass cup, can be used to prop up the mobile phone during virtual exams.

    a. Click Confirm & Start Proctoring.

    Confirm and Start Proctoring

    b. On your mobile, proceed to click on I am ready to position my phone. Position the mobile camera on either the left or right side of you, ensuring that you, your monitor, keyboard, and mouse are captured within the camera view. The mobile phone camera should also capture some space around you so the proctor can monitor your room.

Ready to position my phone

  1. Monitoring is now active on the mobile device.

Monitoring is now active

  1. Learners can see themselves being recorded in the bottom right corner of the screen.

    a. The footage can be minimized by clicking on the top right corner of the video feed.

    b. Use the arrows to move the video feed to the left or right of the screen.

Completing Onboarding Exam

  1. Complete and submit the onboarding exam by clicking on any of the End buttons displayed.

Completing Onboarding Exam by clicking End button

  1. A pop up will appear, click on End.

End Proctoring

  1. The onboarding exam will begin to upload, do not quit the app. The time it takes to upload the data would be dependent on the internet speed.

  1. Click on Quit App once the upload is complete. If you are using a windows device, you have the option to Uninstall the app to remove Proctortrack from the desktop. You can also take a 2-minute survey.

Upload Completed

  1. Proctoring has now ended on the mobile phone as well. The app will close on the mobile in 5 seconds automatically. If does not close you can proceed to click on Quit Now on the mobile phone.