This
is
not
a
moment.
It’s
a
movement.
When
the
world
is
moving
at
a
thunderous
speed,
standing
still
is
not
an
option.
Canada’s
productivity
crisis
wasn’t
caused
by
a
shortage
of
ideas.
It
was
caused
by
a
shortage
of
builders
to
implement
them.
For
years,
Humber
has
been
the
exception.
The
bridge
between
thinking
and
doing.
Shaping
minds
that
both
imagine
and
execute.
And
just
look
at
what
we’re
building.
We
challenged
ourselves
to
build
new
ways
to
make
education
more
inclusive.
To
build
responsive
relationships
with
industry.
To
create
a
global
impact
that
still
resonates
in
the
communities
in
which
we
live.
With
a
storied
history
of
sparking
innovation,
we
have
the
foundation.
With
breadth
of
programs
and
quality
facilities,
we
have
the
tools.
At
this
pivotal
moment
of
patriotism,
Humber
is
needed
more
than
ever.
The
country,
the
province
and
the
post-secondary
sector
needs
us
to
seize
the
opportunity
to
future
proof
our
economy.
It’s
time
for
us
to
embrace
our
roles
as
architects
of
opportunity,
Sculptors
of
solutions,
and
proponents
of
productivity.
Humber
Polytechnic
is
the
institution
that
builds
what
hasn’t
even
been
imagined.
This
isn't
just
higher
education,
it’s
higher
expectations.
It’s
the
Humber
edge.