Wellness Wheel - Dimensions of Health
The dimensions of health work simultaniously to increase harmony and overall well-being. It is significant to be mindful of the balance between the different dimensions to achieve a well-rounded and balanced lifestyle.

What is spiritual wellness?
A deep connection and better understanding of the self by discovering meaning and purpose in life through morals, values, and personal beliefs; with or without the involvement of formal religion.
Practicing spiritual wellness is dependent on how an individual views themselves and connects with the world. It does not require religious ideals of beliefs. Everyone's path to practicing spiritual wellness is unique to their own ideals and beliefs.
This can be practiced through:
What is Spirituality?
Spirituality is broad term that can be interpreted in many ways, such as a belief in something or someone beyond the self. Spirituality is the inner calm and peace that helps us maneuver through the uncertainties of life, understand how people are connected, and help us learn about the truths and mysteries of the world.
What is Wellness?
"Wellness is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absense of disease or infirmity."
The World Health Organization
Wellness is an active ongoing pursuit that includes a combination of preventative and holistic measures to reach an optimal state of health and well-being. It considers several components of well-being such as physical, spiritual, and mental health. It is not just the absence of disease. There are multiple levels that influence wellness such as individual, interpersonal and the communities we belong to. Overall, wellness is a way of living by developing healthy habits and actions that helps us thrive in our daily lives.
This can be practiced through: