Go to a Safe Place

Department of Public Safety (Security): 416-675-6622, ext. 4000, 24/7

In residence, contact the front desk: 416-675-6622, Ext. 77201 (North); Ext. 73001 (Lakeshore)

Call 311 or 1-877-338-3398 for shelters and safe housing

Call a friend or someone that you trust

Consider Medical Attention

Humber's Health Services: 416-675-6622 ext. 5090 (North) and ext. 3331 (Lakeshore)

Chantel’s Place (Trillium Health Centre, 100 Queensway West, Mississauga), via Trillium Hospital Emergency Department: 905-848-7580 ext. 2548

The Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Care Centre at Women’s College Hospital: 416-323-6040

Consider Telling Someone

Community resources:

Assaulted Women’s Helpline: 1-866-863-0511

Toronto Rape Crisis Centre/Multicultural Women Against Rape: 416-597-8808


Student Intervention Coordinator: 416-675-6622, ext. 5546

The Student Intervention Coordinator can support you with connections to services and discussing options available to you. She can be reached during business hours.

Counselling Services: 416-675-6622, ext. 5090 (North); ext. 3331 (Lakeshore)

Good2Talk: 1-866-925-5454

Employees (full-time):

Employee Assistance Program: 1-800-387-4765

If you are not sure where to go, contact Department of Public Safety (Security) at 416-675-6622, ext. 4000, and they will assist you.  At Humber, any door is the right door for support and resources.

Consider Reporting Options

Students & Employees:

Department of Public Safety (Security): 416-675-6622, ext. 4000, 24/7

Office of Student Conduct: 416-675-6622, ext. 4357

Human Resource Services: 416-675-6622