Humber graduates are known to be critical thinkers who have the technical skills and knowledge to overcome challenges in the ‘real world.
Like its students, Humber College has faced plenty of challenges in the past year. Overcoming them has required creativity, innovation and patience.
For the safety of the Humber community, Spring and Fall 2020 Convocation will be held virtually.
Students, families and supporters will be able to access the graduation event at 1 p.m. on November 25th.
Graduates will be presented with special congratulatory messages from President Chris Whitaker, student government IGNITE, the six senior deans including the Dean of Students, the Dean of Indigenous Education & Engagement and others.
The virtual ceremony will last about 30 minutes. Afterward, there will be a scroll of each graduate’s name and their earned credential.
Swag central
Humber graduates and supporters can participate in Convocation celebrations from home by using the social media hashtag, #HumberConvo.
They can also post shout-outs to graduates by filling out a form on the Convocation website. For June’s graduation celebration, more than 8,000 shout-outs were posted.
“We’ve tried to recreate the event in a way that’s engaging,” said Rhonda Harrison, Chair of Convocation.
“Our goal was to make it as fun as possible while maintaining the pomp and circumstance of a graduation ceremony.”
Her team has sent out 12,400 gift boxes packed with graduation swag to Humber and Guelph-Humber students.
There is also digital swag available, including GIFs, stickers and frames for Facebook, Instagram and other social media platforms.
The website also features a shop where people can purchase Humber merchandise.
Memorable year
Mechanical Engineering Technology grad Rohan Chamroo is one of thousands of new graduates who will be honoured at the Convocation ceremony.
The moment his name and credential scroll by will be the culmination of a lifetime of learning. As a child, he was fascinated by the idea of creating, designing and manufacturing.
“It all started from my Lego set. From there, the toys just changed to assembling scrambler bikes,” he said.
When it was time to choose a career path, he was attracted to Humber College for its reputation as a leading polytechnic institution.
“There is a certain wisdom and satisfaction in applying the knowledge required to making it with your hands,” said Chamroo.
“Humber was the place for that passion.”
Chamroo appreciated Humber’s focus on supporting students and how well-equipped the facilities were throughout the time he spent there.
This, his final year, stands out. He completed part of his advanced diploma online, at home, which helped him learn the skills to adapt to an ever-changing workplace and industry.
He has also developed a positive outlook.
“It is just a matter of time to see how things will unfold. From opportunity to vacations, time shall say,” he said.
To learn more about Humber’s Spring and Fall 2020 Convocation, visit