Student Commitment

As a Humber student, here is our commitment to you.


Provide you with a great learning experience

Your courses will cover key learning outcomes of your program and will help you build on your knowledge and integrate your education into your professional and personal life, preparing you for the next step in your educational journey if you choose to pursue Humber's many pathway options. Your professors have designed your courses with activities and tasks that inspire thinking and creative hands-on learning experiences.

All courses are based on a common set of design principles to ensure consistency and equity of access. We will also ensure that information about your courses and program is easily available.

Help keep you connected

You will have opportunities for meaningful interactions with your professors, Humber staff and your classmates. You will have opportunities to collaborate with other students. Our student success team is offering services and supports in-person and virtually to provide greater flexibility to students.

We will provide you with clear, transparent and timely communications through conversations, emails and our social media channels.

Foster an environment of wellness, kindness and inclusion

We know that every student at Humber has their own story to tell and their own set of unique circumstances. We will work to understand your needs and to connect you with the right support. We will continue to expect that all members of our community interact in respectful ways that support Humber’s commitment to equity and diversity.

Do our best to be flexible

As an institution, we have tried new approaches, new technologies, new ways of doing things and we will continue to look for ways to innovate. We may make some mistakes. When that happens, we will acknowledge them, learn from them and work together to fix them. We will continue to seek out your feedback and keep you informed as you move through your educational journey at Humber.