CAMH Poster Study

Humber College students recently presented a poster for the Toronto Adolescent & Youth (TAY) Cohort Study at SickKids Children's Hospital as part of their work-integrated learning (WIL) experience with the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH).  

Bea Calahong and Mahak Dhawan recently graduated from the Research Analyst graduate certificate program at Humber. During their final semester in the program, Calahong and Dhawan completed a work placement with CAMH. They had the opportunity to work on several research projects, including the TAY Cohort Study.  

The TAY Cohort Study is an ambitious multi-year research study led by Dr. Aristotle Voineskos, CAMH Vice-President of Research, that will recruit and follow 3,000 youth over five years. The study aims to better understand who may be at risk of experiencing particular mental health challenges so they can receive proper help and support later on. The study is the first of its kind in Canada and brings together dozens of researchers, clinicians, local youth and their families.  

Dr. Lena Quilty has worked in various roles at CAMH since 2005. Today, she is a Senior Scientist and Director of Research Training at CAMH. Dr. Quilty supervised Calahong and Dhawan during their work placement and is part of the large team of scientists actively supporting the TAY Cohort Study.   

At the time of their placement, the TAY Cohort Study team was sharing early results from the first 10 per cent of the 3,000 youth to be recruited. In an effort to raise awareness of this ground-breaking study, Calahong and Dhawan supported the creation of a poster presentation highlighting the feasibility and benefits of the study using these early results.   

Calahong and Dhawan presented this poster at a local conference at SickKids Children's Hospital in Toronto, Ontario. Calahong said presenting at the conference was a great learning experience for her. 

"It was my first time presenting a research poster at a conference," said Calahong. "We had to pitch to judges and other professionals. It was nerve-wracking, but we felt more confident in our pitch thanks to Dr. Quilty's guidance."  

Dhawan agreed that the experience was an exceptional opportunity to network and showcase her skills. 

"It was a huge conference with some of the top researchers around the world," said Dhawan. "We presented alongside a large team from CAMH – it was exciting and intimidating!"  

The two students also had the opportunity to support poster presentations at the 2023 Congress of the Schizophrenia International Research Society (SIRS), the largest international conference for schizophrenia and psychosis-related disorders.  

Dr. Quilty believes providing students with real-world opportunities benefits not only the students but also the organization.   

"The benefits and learning very much goes both ways," said Quilty. "Working with junior colleagues in this capacity provides essential support for us, and it also provides amazing mentorship experiences for colleagues within our team. We also hear such diversity of perspectives – it's a wonderful reciprocal relationship." 

Both Calahong and Dhawan credit the Research Analyst graduate certificate program for equipping them with the necessary skills to succeed in their work placements.  

"Humber helped me rebuild my foundations on research," said Calahong. "I wasn't confident in my skills until this program." 

Now graduates, Calahong and Dhawan are eager to continue their careers in the mental health field. Calahong is starting a new position as a Research Assistant with CAMH's brain, body and perception unit and Mahak will be working as a Clinical QC Associate at Pharma Medica Research Inc.  

Dr. Quilty will continue her work with CAMH and is excited to welcome future Humber students to the research team.  

"We've benefitted so much from this partnership with Humber," said Quilty. "I'm looking forward to it continuing to grow and evolve. There's so much good work to be done in this space, and Humber students are coming to us so well prepared by virtue of this program."  

Industry professionals such as Dr. Quilty are what lies at the heart of the Research Analyst program. They help us do what we do best, which is helping students shine. If you need any research support and are looking to become an industry partner with Humber College's Research program, please feel free to email