Over the past two decades Prior Learning and Assessment Recognition (PLAR) has emerged as a significant feature and prominent practice in post-secondary education institutions in Canada and other parts of the world (Andersson, Fejes & Sandberg, 2013; Van Kleef, 2007). Its epistemological assumption premises that the context of learning varies and as such, it is the output (learning) produced that is of utmost importance.  

While Humber has embraced the PLAR principles and processes, there is an opportunity for improvement.  This project will develop a theory informed, rigorous and robust PLAR framework to recognize the learning individuals have acquired through work, voluntary and other formal/non-formal experiences in the social services field.

The goal of this project is to develop a robust conceptual and practical PLAR model with the creation of a Social Service Worker (SSW) Accelerated Profile. The team will examine the current Faculty of Social & Community Services/SSW PLAR process; identify gaps and barriers at the program, faculty, and institutional level to PLAR process and recommend strategies to address these; create a PLAR process for an SSW Accelerated Program to be implemented in the 2025/2026 academic year; and evaluate the effectiveness of the PLAR process for the SSW Accelerated Profile.  

Improving the PLAR processes can facilitate smoother transitions between high school, post-secondary education, and employment, while supporting lifelong learning. 

Faculty of Social & Community Services

Team Members

Sheria Myrie (Project Lead)