Decimal System

In the everyday life we use the Decimal System to express numbers. The Decimal System is a base ten positional system.

  • A base ten system means it uses 10 digits: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. The number 25 is made up of the digit 2 and the digit 5. This is a two digit number. The number 120 is made up of the digit 1, the digit 2 and the digit 0. This is a three digit number.
  • A positional (or a place value) system means each place has its own value. In the decimal system, each place value is 10 times larger than the one to its right.

Here are the place value names of the digits in a whole number. Consider the number 24 306 217 which is read “twenty four million, three hundred six thousand, two hundred seventeen”.

diagram showing the number 24,306,217 broken down into its decimal places.

Here are the place value names of the digits in the decimal number 264.39785. Recall that decimal numbers have two parts: the whole part (264) and the decimal part (39785), separated by the decimal point.

diagram showing the number 264.39785 broken down into its decimal places.

To READ a decimal number, do the following:

  • Read the digits to the left of the decimal place - the whole number - as normally done.
  • The word “and” is used in place of the decimal point.
  • Read the digits to the right of the decimal point as a whole number.
  • Read the place value name of the last digit.


Read the following decimal numbers:

$\mbox{a}) \hspace{0.5em} 15.4$

$\mbox{b}) \hspace{0.5em} 329.65$

$\mbox{c}) \hspace{0.5em} 834,207.009$

$\mbox{d}) \hspace{0.5em} 2.8340$


$\mbox{a}) \hspace{0.5em} 15.4$

Since $4$ is in the tenths position, $15.4$ is read ‘fifteen and four tenths'

$\mbox{b}) \hspace{0.5em} 329.65$

Since $5$, the last digit, is in the hundredths position, $329.65$ is read ‘three hundred twenty-nine and sixty-five hundredths'

$\mbox{a}) \hspace{0.5em} 834,207.009$

The decimal part is $009$ or simply $9$. But $9$ is in the thousandths position. Therefore $834,207.009$ is read ‘eight hundred thirty-four thousand two hundred seven and nine thousandths'

$\mbox{b}) \hspace{0.5em} 2.8340$

Since the last digit, $0$, is in the ten-thousandths position, $2.8340$ is read ‘two and eight thousand three hundred forty ten-thousandths