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I am Ready - Humber Learning Outcomes


Career-Ready Curriculum Built for Employability

Throughout your learning journey at Humber you will have the opportunity to gain twelve essential skills, mindsets and values that are highly sought after by employers. Embedded within your program curriculum are various ways to gain experience in these attitudes and attributes along with your program-specific knowledge and skills. At any time throughout your learning journey you can also complete the My Employability Journey Course with 12 Introductory Skills Modules, earning digital certificates that you can post on your profile and resume. Not only will you graduate career-ready but you will also have the verification that employers look for.


Early Access to the Course for Current Students!

Later in 2025, twelve introductory Humber Learning Outcome (HLO) modules will be available through the My Employability Journey Course in Blackboard. Get a head start on earning certificates that you can post on your profile – and resume, by gaining early access to start the modules now.

The Images & the Icons

The Stories Behind the Symbols

To honour and recognize our connection to the Humber River, the living history of the land on which Humber Polytechnic is located, and the Indigenous peoples who were and continue to be the inhabitants and custodians of this land, we use river and nature symbols in our symbols to tell the interconnected story of learning and skill development that is unique to Humber.

Humber learning outcomes icons