Welcome to the Humber Community! 

Here are some great resources that you should know about:

  • IGNITE - Humber's student union provides essential services, exciting events, and leadership opportunities. Visit IGNITE to check out upcoming events and student clubs, and to learn more about your Health & Dental Insurance Plan, Financial Relief Program, Learning Essentials Support, and more. Stay connected @shareignite on Instagram and @ignitestudentlife on Facebook. 
  • LGBTQ+ Resource Centre - Works to promote safer, braver, positive spaces at Humber College and offers a dedicated space at both North and Lakeshore Campuses for folks to connect with one another, access resources, and build community. 
  • BSSE - Black Student Success and Engagement (BSSE) seeks to provide students who identify as Black Canadian, Black African, and Black Caribbean (including Black Latinx, Black Indigenous and Black Mixed) with community, resources, and support to help them fully maximize their college experience.
  • Indigenous Education and Engagement - Assists Indigenous students in making the transition and adjustment to the challenges of college life while creating an awareness and appreciation of Indigenous culture and history in the greater campus community. 
  • First-Year Experience (FYE) - A peer mentoring program available to all Humber first-year students. If you register for FYE, you will be paired with a Peer Mentor who is an upper-year student in a similar program. Mentors help students with their college transition academically and socially. Check them out on Instagram, @humbernorthfye and @humberlakefye
  • Life At Humber - Your one-stop shop for all Student Services available to you.