Doing business with Humber
The Humber College Institute of Technology & Advanced Learning has a centralized purchasing philosophy. Only designated staff has the authority to commit Humber to a contract. Further, additional delegated staff is authorized to make small dollar purchases with the use of a P-card.
The department acts as a liaison between all Vendors and the Department requiring the goods and/or services.
Sales people are welcome with a pre-booked appointment.
Humber supports environmentally responsible products and services and welcomes any sales person who can demonstrate a more favourable product or service.
Requests for Quotation (under $100,000 estimate), informal or formal will be issued by fax/email to a minimum of three invited Vendors on a random basis. Requests for Tender (over $100,000) will be publicly advertised and issued through MERX ( Addenda if required will be issued in the same manner as the original document.