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How to Make New Friends Online?

(This document is available in an alternative format upon request.)

We know that studying in a virtual space has its perks like you can attend classes in your PJs and munch on snacks while you're learning. But we also know it can be hard to talk to other students and make new friends. Making new friends is an essential part of your college experience. Just because you're in a virtual environment, it doesn't mean you won't be able to have that experience of meeting people. You still can; you just gotta do it virtually.


Here are some tips we recommend when it comes to meeting new students while studying virtually at Humber.


Attend virtual events.

We always have virtual events happening throughout the semester. We recommend attending an event that catches your interest. It's a lot of fun, and it's a great way to meet and connect with people. The BASELGBTQ+ Resources and Indigenous Education and Engagement hold Mix and Mingles, along with other fun virtual events where students have the opportunity to meet and get to know one another. FYE also has tons of virtual events happening throughout the semester. Click here to see what events we have planned this semester.




Be the first to reach out!

Being in a new environment - whether it's virtual or you're physically there, it can be kind of scary when you don't know anyone. In times like that, be the first one to reach out and talk to someone. Since classes are held on Blackboard, it's the perfect opportunity to use the chatbox and just start talking to someone in the class with you. Chances are they're also feeling the same way as you, so being the first to start the conversation can help make others feel comfortable talking!


Ask open-ended questions.

When you're trying to have a conversation with someone for the first time, you should try to ask open-ended questions rather than yes or no questions. Open-ended questions lead to keeping the conversation going. It also shows that you're genuinely interested in getting to know the person. 


Here are some questions you can ask to start a conversation;

· What made you want to attend Humber College?

· What are you looking forward to this year?

· What is your favourite TV show?

· What song have you completely memorized?

· What movie title best describes your life?

· What fictional place would you want to visit?


You can find some more tips by watching this video.


Tips for making Friends Online


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