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First Name: Natalia
Last Name: Fraser
Program of Study: Arboriculture
Submission Category: Painting
Title of Artwork: Perspective
Art Description: This is my son Jack. He has brought me the gift of perceptive. He was born with severe social and language delays. He was unable to connect, communicate and engage within the norms, even eye contact was not really possible. Jack entered school as special needs non-verbal child. But as you can see he is holding your gaze in the portrait. He is what you would call a miracle. After many years of medical appointments, therapy and anguish, roughly around his 5th birthday he started to come around. He is now a completely present and engage in this world. His smile means the world to me, more then anyone can understand.
Size of Artwork in inches: 11 x 1/8 x 14
Mediums used to create artwork: Acrylic Paint
Original Piece or a Reproduction: Original Piece
Year Artwork Created: 2021
Campus: North Campus