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First Name: Maryam
Last Name: Rahmanifard
Program of Study: User Experience (UX) Design
Submission Category: Drawing
Title of Artwork: Politics
Art Description: I have never been a fan of politics and politicians. I have lost my trust in them. I feel all they are looking for is more power. They use media to manipulate people, religious not to guide people but to just brainwash them, money and war to get more power and for sure they do not care about justice. One they, I was very upset and angry at situation some people have in this world and this idea came to my mind. to me the world is under control of few people who have money and power. They are the ones who run the world and we live the way they want. They do not care about anyone. We are in 2022 and we should be only worried about Covid-19, but we are all observing again another stupid war that ruins innocent people's life. Why is that?
Size of Artwork in inches: 7 x 10
Mediums used to create artwork: Pencil
Original Piece or a Reproduction: Reproduction
Year Artwork Created: 2020
Campus: Lakeshore Campus