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First Name: Katrina Pauline
Last Name: Quitevis
Program of Study: Media Communications
Submission Category: Colour Photography
Title of Artwork: Pastel De Nata
Art Description: Portuguese Tart or also called as "Pastel De Nata" is a sweet pastry that originated from Lisbon. I chose to photograph this because, for me, food has always been a great outlet to share culture. Going to Canada, I had the opportunity to do so, and this is one of the food that I tasted. When eating it, I can't help but think about the great culture behind such a delicate dessert. This is ultimately what led me to showcase food through images.
Size of Artwork in inches: 8.127x10
Mediums used to create artwork: Digital Photography
Original Piece or a Reproduction: Original Piece
Year Artwork Created: 2021
Campus: Lakeshore Campus