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First Name: Shivam
Last Name: Sury
Program of Study: Business Insights and Analytics
Submission Category: Drawing
Title of Artwork: The Hyperrealistic Eye
Art Description: While scouting for my next sketch drawing inspiration on the internet, I came across this thing of beauty created by a very able artist named Ali Haider Rehman. Fascinated by the precision and patience that would have gone behind the creation of this piece, I set out on the mission to recreate one using my own hands. And after numerous hours and moments of self-doubt, I ended up with this decent reproduction of the original art created by Mr. Rehman.

It is just so hypnotic in some sense. For me, it resembles the eye of a woman who has now become frail and old, but her eyes are still young and gorgeous. That's the thing with eyes right: they never grow old; only more beautiful.
Size of Artwork in inches: 11-3/4 x 16-1/2 in
Mediums used to create artwork: Pencil
Original Piece or a Reproduction: Reproduction
Year Artwork Created: 2021
Campus: Lakeshore Campus