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First Name: Gauri
Last Name: Dev
Program of Study: Business Insights and Analytics
Submission Category: Digital Art
Title of Artwork: The Aspirational Sky
Art Description: I am from Delhi and stars have become a rare sight due to the pollution there. This is what I want to experience once in my life- me with my lover in a field full of waving grass and sparkling fireflies under a sky full of thousands of stars and the moon shining in all its glory for me to see everything that is there. To be connected with nature and be in the moment like it has been specially created for me. To not think of all the worries in my life and just be there. Listening to the sound of wind and taking it all in without the disturbance caused by the noise of the city. This was the aspiration of a person who was stuck in an apartment building due to the pandemic and couldn't go out, couldn't meet her lover or friends, and lost someone dear. With all the time I gained during the pandemic, I started practicing digital art and this was one of my first few creations.
Size of Artwork in inches: 26.67 X 15 (WXH)
Mediums used to create artwork: Digitally Generated Art
Original Piece or a Reproduction: Original Piece
Year Artwork Created: 2021
Campus: IGS- International Graduate School