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First Name: Gauri
Last Name: Dev
Program of Study: Business Insights and Analytics
Submission Category: Digital Art
Title of Artwork: Kiyotaka Ayanokōji
Art Description: This is a reproduction of the fan art of Kiyotaka Ayanokōji (anime). While looking for some anime characters' pictures to reproduce I came across this and felt motivated to try my hand at this. The mask intrigued me. The mask makes the character look like someone weird or someone smart who was asked to smile and got this as a response. I was curious to know the character. It is similar to how we perceive people or how they portray themselves. We all were forced to wear face masks during the pandemic without realizing that we have been wearing one even before the pandemic and we will continue to wear one. Also, I changed the eye color of the character just to highlight the eyes as I feel that they are often missed when we try to "read" a person but I believe that the eyes are the biggest traitor for a person. Someone might think that they were able to mask things well but the eyes can give them away.
Size of Artwork in inches: 26.67 X 15 (WXH)
Mediums used to create artwork: Digitally Generated Art
Original Piece or a Reproduction: Reproduction
Year Artwork Created: 2021
Campus: IGS- International Graduate School