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First Name: Amelia
Last Name: Russo
Program of Study: Bachelor of Interior Design
Submission Category: Painting
Title of Artwork: Colour Still Life
Art Description: This piece was actually one that I used in my Humber art portfolio application. I had to create a colour still life and thought, what better idea than to create a piece showing the materials that surrounded me in my favourite place. These were some items that I used or was surrounded by in my art classroom. This was such a safe and inspiring space for me that I spent much of my time in during high school. My teacher was always there for me and opened my eyes to art. He helped bring back my passion and love for art, and without him, I would not be here at Humber today.
Size of Artwork in inches: 7.5 x 8.5
Mediums used to create artwork: Pencil, Watercolour Paint
Original Piece or a Reproduction: Original Piece
Year Artwork Created: 2022
Campus: North